When first contacted by Triangle Business Journal Staff Reporter Caleb Harshberger to be interviewed on Friday, May 14th for his real estate article, Jaclyn was both excited at the opportunity but also humbled to act as the spokesperson for the Johnston County real estate market.

This much we knew, our market was starting to come back from the effects of the pandemic, and come back strong! How to articulate that message while being sensitive to the knowledge people were still struggling with the terrible sickness and hurting from the sting of job loss was sobering.
We had a really good first quarter. It was record-breaking.
Jaclyn Smith
Upon the completion of the interview, we felt upbeat. Caleb was provided accurate information about our JoCo market from January 2020 through May and how COVID-19 had its impact during that period. We also addressed where we thought our market was headed, especially over the summer months.

31 Homes Sold in 31 Days!
Little did we know then we would have a banner month! Our team sold 31 homes in the month of May! Yes, our market was definitely back!
For our clients, partners, and friends who aren’t subscribers to the Triangle Business Journal, below is a summary of the article published today (6/5/2020).
TBJ Headline – Homebuyers Return
Prior to the pandemic (January 2020), our team was on track to break every sales record in the history of our 10-year young company! This was in spite of record-low inventory levels. Thankfully, our JoCo new home builder partners were helping fill the void.
Leveraging Virtual Tools
Armed with a bevy of virtual tech tools, agents all across our market “pivoted” to serve our customers and clients in the midst of the pandemic. Using tools like Zoom, FaceTime/Dou, Google Meet, and other streaming tools, our team held virtual buyer appointments with buyers, and with our lender partner, held virtual listing appointments, and conducted virtual home tours.
Can’t Stop – Won’t Stop!
While the market softened, safely serving consumers who needed shelter was the #1 mission. As stay at home orders eased, buyers (not sellers) returned to the market especially around the beginning of May.
New Home Construction in JoCo Carries the Market!
This image provided to the JCAR Top Producers Council by Keller Williams Agent, Brian Pate clearly communicates how the Johnston County new home builders are helping resupply our lagging inventory with an eye-popping 63% of the total inventory for sale.

Challenges Remain – All-time Low Inventory
The above graphic also illustrates just how low inventory is in Johnston County. There are only 738 homes for sale in all of Johnston County! Buyers clearly outnumber available homes. If you are remotely thinking about selling your home, text or call us for a free no-obligation home value assessment!
What’s Ahead?
The TBJ article concludes with this quote…
We are optimistic that all the business lost this spring will be roaring back in the summer. I have a feeling we’re going to have a stack of spring and summer (selling seasons) in one. I think the floodgates are really going to open.
Jaclyn Smith

Are You Ready?
Being recognized as the top-selling real estate team in Johnston County and a top 10 agent team in the Triangle requires faith and trust earned by our buyer and seller clients! If you are ready to trust our team to buy or sell a home in Johnston County, we are here to serve you! Contact us today by calling or texting us at (919) 813-0123.