In our previous post, we introduced you to our newest listing partner, Jennifer Proper. Here are a few factoids about Jenn you probably didn’t know.

Avid Wolfpack Fan!
As a graduate of North Carolina State University, Jenn is an avid, dare we say “rabid” Wolfpacker!

Lake Girl
Another passion of Jenn’s is her love for hanging out at her family’s lake house at Lake Gaston.
Dog Lover!
As if the photo above didn’t give it away, Jenn loves her fur niece baby!
Unofficial Interior Design Diva
Jenn loves decorating. Her sister says she constantly rearranges her home. That’s one aspect of listing homes Jenn can really sink her teeth into.

Neat Freak!
A self-professed neat freak, Jenn confesses she might be a little OCD. Everything always has to be clean and organized at home and in her workspace at the Paperco Building!

Mushrooms? That Would be Hard a NO!
The one food Jenn isn’t a fan of is mushrooms!

Add Snakes to that List!
Jenn is absolutely terrified of snakes! I can’t say I blame her.

A Foodie – That’s Amore’
Italian food is the fast track to Jenn’s heart!

Yes, I’ll Have That!
Jenn will quickly tell she is a foodie with the biggest sweet tooth… evah!

Loves Yard Work
Jenn categorizes her time working in the yard “as therapeutic”!
Helping JSP Clients Experience Success!
Jennifer is a huge asset to our team and is responsible for helping secure new general brokerage listings along with managing all the details of each home in our Jaclyn Smith Properties portfolio. Her number one goal is to effectively, and successfully market each home as if it were her own. Her sharp eye for detail and expert organizational skills help make our clients super happy with each outcome.
Ready to List?
Leave a comment or text Jenn today at (919) 813-0123 to list your home!